MSE Mendenhall Summer Learning Camp

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to be able to offer a variety of summer academic programming for our students this year. This programming will be offered to students who are currently enrolled at MSE in grades K-8, and at this time all available seats have been filled.

Our summer learning camp begins on June 14th and ends on July 8th. We will be CLOSED on July 5th in observance of the 4th of July. Students will attend summer learning camp Monday through Thursday from 8:00-3:30. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.


Please see the FAQs below. If you need any additional information, you may reach out to me, your student’s summer school homeroom teacher,  at 


MSE Mendenhall



Summer Learning Program FAQs

What will my student’s day look like?

-Students can begin arriving at 7:30. They will have breakfast and begin classes at 8:00. Throughout the day, students will receive instruction in reading and math, small group intervention services, and STREAM. Students will also have a lunch break and one hour of play/physical activity. Students will be picked up at 3:30.

Will COVID precautions be in place?

-We are currently planning to follow all COVID guidelines in place for students who are learning in-person. 

What does this program cost?

-This camp is free for all eligible students. 

Does my student have to wear a uniform?

-No, your child does not need to wear a uniform. 

Who is eligible for summer programming?

-The state has asked schools to give priority to students who have scored below or approaching on previous TNReady tests or performed below average on a universal screener. MSE is considering both prior TNReady performance and MAP testing data when prioritizing students for enrollment in summer programming.  

Why should my student attend this program?

-This program is intended to provide students with additional support and learning time to make up for the learning loss that may have occurred as a result of the pandemic. This program will be an opportunity for your student to get in-person instruction to reinforce skills from this year so that they are prepared for next year.

Is attendance mandatory?

-Attendance is not mandatory. If your student is offered a spot and does not want to attend, you are free to decline participation.  Please let the school know if you no longer want to participate.

Does my student need to attend the whole program?

-Yes; if you sign up for the program, we ask that you bring your student to school everyday of the program.  

Who will teach my student?

-The MSE summer learning program will be staffed by certified teachers from across the MSE network. 

Will my student get grades?

-No, students will not be graded. They will take a pre and post assessment to measure growth.